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Gender articulated: language and the socially constructed self
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0415913993 Year: 1995 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Routledge

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Handbook on gender and social policy
ISBN: 9781785367120 9781785367168 1785367129 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing

Cistem failure : essays on blackness and cisgender
ISBN: 9781478015802 9781478018445 9781478023036 Year: 2022 Publisher: Durham ; London : Duke University Press,

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"In Cistem Failure Marquis Bey meditates on the antagonistic relationship between blackness and cisgender. Bey asks what does it mean to have a gender that "matches" one's sex, that is, cisgender, when decades of feminist theory have destroyed the belief that there is some natural way to be a sex? Moving from the The Powerpuff Girls to the greeting "how ya mama'n'em" to their own gender identity, Bey finds that cisgender is too flat of a category to hold the myriad ways that people-who may not have undergone gender affirmative interventions-depart from gender alignment. At the same time, blackness, they contend, strikes at the heart of cisgender's invariable coding as white: just as transness names a non-cis space, blackness implies a non-cis space. By showing how blackness opens up a way to subvert the hegemonic power of the gender binary, Bey makes a case for an antiracist gender abolition project that rejects cisgender as a regulatory apparatus"--

Sex differences : cultural and developmental dimensions
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0916354229 0916354237 Year: 1976 Publisher: New York (N.Y.): Urizen books

Female and male : psychological perspectives
ISBN: 0060467274 Year: 1979 Publisher: New York (N.Y.): Harper

Sex roles and the school.
ISBN: 0416713106 0416713203 9780416713107 9780416713206 Year: 1980 Publisher: London Methuen

Terra incognita : historisch onderzoek naar katholicisme en vrouwelijkheid
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9039105936 Year: 1994 Publisher: Kampen Kok

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Essays die een verkenning bieden op het terrein van de relatie tussen katholicisme en gender en een poging om vrouwengeschiedenis en kerkgeschiedenis op elkaar te betrekken en de historische beeldvorming op dit gebied ter discussie te stellen. In verband met educatie, zijn twee bijdragen van belang: hoofdstuk zes (p. 129-149) over de katholieke zorgende macht voor fabrieksmeisjes van Philips in Eindhoven, van 1920 tot 1950 ("De geluiden dat katholieke meisjes in fabrieken ten onder gingen aan materialisme, onzedelijkheid en communisme werden pregnanter. In 1929 luidde men in Dux, het pas opgerichte tijdschrift voor katholieke jeugdleiders, 'de noodklokken' en er werd een 'program van actie voor en hulp aan fabrieksmeisjes' bepleit. De auteurs in Dux refereerden aan twee initiatieven in katholiek Nederland die zich in het begin van de jaren twintig gericht op fabrieksmeisjes hadden ontwikkeld, namelijk de zogenaamde Eucharistische Kruistocht voor Fabrieksmeisjes en de meisjesbeweging 'De graal'") en hoofdstuk zeven (p

Gender and Christianity in medieval Europe : new perspectives.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780812240696 0812240693 9780812220131 Year: 2008 Publisher: Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania press

Female masculinity
ISBN: 0822322269 0822322439 Year: 1998 Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press,

Love in America : gender and self-development.
ISBN: 0521342023 Year: 2001 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge university press

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In the last twenty-five years, Americans have gained considerable freedom in their personal lives. Relationships are now more flexible, and self-development has become a primary goal for both men and women. Most scholars have criticized this trend to greater freedom, arguing that it undermines family bonds and promotes selfishness and extreme independence, Francesca Cancian is more optimistic. In this book she shows that many American couples succeed in combining self-development with commitment, and that interdependence, not independence, is their ideal. In interdependent relationships, love and self-development do not conflict, but reinforce each other. (CUP)

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